Breast reduction

Breast reduction surgery reduces the volume of the chest. It is one of the most requested cosmetic surgery operations in plastic surgery. It is intended for patients with breast hypertrophy (breast volume too large in relation to the patient’s morphology). Back pain (dorsalgia).

This breast reduction surgery radically changes the lives of patients, it makes it easier to dress. Reduce back pain and facilitate the practice of sport. Its purpose is to reduce the volume of the breasts, correct the ptosis and any asymmetry, in order to obtain two harmonious breasts in themselves and in relation to the morphology of the patient (two reduced breasts, raised , mirrored and reshaped).

During the consultation with your cosmetic surgeon, a final cup volume will be agree upon according to your wishes and in harmony with your figure. It will also be necessary before the intervention to carry out a mammogram and/or a breast ultrasound dating from less than 6 months before the intervention.

Breast reduction is done under general anesthesia in the operating room. Regarding the scar, it varies according to the shape and size of the breast.

It may be:

  • Around the areola (allowing a reduction of the areolas.
  • Vertical
  • Inverted T

The procedure requires hospitalization in a clinic or hospital with a length of stay of at least one night.