Arm lift or brachialplasty

The Arm lift or brachialplasty removes  excess skin and redrapes the skin on the inside of the arms, while reducing the fat mass, as appropriate, through liposuction. This weakening of the skin results from the natural phase of aging, or from the fatty deposits that have formed in this region following weight variations, pregnancies and/or recurrent diets. All these causes promote the storage of localized fat and sagging skin on the arm.

The removal of this excess skin allows patients to regain a harmonious appearance over the entire area, firms and tones the upper arms. Thus, by correcting annoying and unsightly excess skin and fat, the arm is more aesthetic and functional.

There are different methods of anesthesia for an arm lift depending on the patient and the work to be done:
  • There are different methods of anesthesia for an arm lift depending on the patient and the work to be done:
  • Local anesthesia with intravenous tranquilizers.
  • General anesthesia when the excess skin and fat is greater, or the patient is particularly anxious.
The procedure lasts between 1 and 2 hours depending on the excess skin and fat to be removed, and takes place in two stages:
  1. Liposuction of the arms or liposuction, in order to remove excess fat in a circular fashion.
  2. Then, the plastic surgeon removes the excess skin following the markings previously drawn on the patient’s arm. Finally, he sutures the incisions using absorbable sutures and places a pressure dressing to limit bleeding problems.
There are two main techniques for incising the inner side of the arm:
  • Replasty with horizontal scar in the armpit: this technique is applicable when the patient has minimal excess skin, and does not extend just to the elbow.
  • Replasty with mixed scar: this technique is preferring for patients with significant excess skin and fat, and extending to the elbow. With this technique, the scar is both horizontal in the armpit and vertical along the inner side of the arm.

Following an arm lift, the dressings are changing regularly for ten days to allow proper healing. As for hematomas and edema, they disappear after a few weeks of convalescence. The pain is very limite and also fades over time and thanks to the taking of painkillers. And finally, the first final results are visible after about 3 to 4 months.

For further information please contact us.